About Me

Hey there, stranger! It's nice to meet you. ♥ I'm so glad you stumbled across my blog!

Rebel Chanel is a place where creative types of all kinds (like you!) can grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate ( or a cosmo ;) ), and journey with me, as I attempt to better myself through self discovery and experimentation!

As a blog that focuses mostly on the world of fashion, I'd like to tell you where all of this came from. Well, it came from many things. My love of clothing, art, movies, music, video games, interior design. To give you a moment, where a switch just magically switched on for me, saying "Hey, you love fashion now, k?" would be impossible. My love for it is a layered thing. It's intertwined into other loves of mine, feeding them, and in turn getting nutrients back from them. I'm not sure when the seed was planted, but it is an ever growing entity.

As much as fashion is a part of me. (it's in my blood) I didn't always want to have a blog. It was something that seemed so daunting to me. Such hard work, with hardly any payoff. But after starting up my Youtube channel Just Ace, I had caught the inspiration bug SO BAD that I couldn't deny myself the outlet of a Blog any longer. And so I revamped my old space here at Rebel Chanel, and went all in on it. In addition to fashion, I will also share fun beauty, lifestyle, and food ideas and inspiration.

If I gain nothing from this blog, I alone, can at least be proud of the contents. If nothing, it shows me that I am constantly trying to better myself; to try new ideas, and experiment with new creative things to do.

On top of all of that (there's more??? shutup already!), I would like to gain even more inspiration still. From you! I want you to experience all of this with me, and brainstorm with me. Talk to me. Tell me what you think of everything here! Because I hope to build something here, guys. Something that is not only innovative and motivating, but comfortable too. I hope for Rebel Chanel to be as soothing as a really good book, or warm slippers on your feet. Something you look forward to at the end of a hard day.

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